Many people understand that a locksmith is the person to call when they are locked out of their home or office building. However, there are many other situations in which a locksmith can make a huge difference in your life. Our experts at A-1 Key & Security Solutions can help you to maintain a secure building. This can provide you with a great deal of peace of mind over time. Here are a few of the times when you may need a locksmith.
To Increase Home Security

Are you worried that your home isn’t quite secure enough? This is entirely possible. In fact, most locks aren’t installed by professionals, which can cause them to be vulnerable to intruders. A locksmith can provide the highest quality locks to meet all of the needs of your building. We can also inspect your home and find the ideal strategies to improve your security.
Keys are Lost or Stolen
Whenever you lose your keys or have them stolen, it is important to note that your home may now be vulnerable. Even if you have a replacement key, it may be time to call a locksmith and have your building rekeyed. This will help to ensure more security, as well as guarantee that you know exactly who has keys to your home.
Moving into a New Place
When you move into a new place, you may not necessarily know who currently has keys to the area. This applies both to a house or an apartment. When this is the case, having the area rekeyed can help to provide you with additional security. This is an important step to keep your family safe when you move into a new place.
Broken Keys
A broken key can be difficult to resolve, especially if it breaks off in your lock. If your key breaks, there is a good chance that it is time to call a locksmith. Our experts at A-1 Key & Security Solutions can help to take the steps to restore any damage to your locks and ensure you can have easy access to your home, without sacrificing your security.
Damaged Locks
Not only can damaged locks prevent you from getting into your building, they can also prevent the lock from keeping your home as secure as possible. When your locks are damaged, it is important to hire a locksmith to have them resolved. We can provide the appropriate repair or replacement services to ensure that your locks can continue to perform their intended task.
Car Key Problems
Locksmiths don’t only help with your house’s locks. When you are having issues with your car keys, such as stolen car keys or keys that aren’t working, it is often useful to consult with an experienced locksmith for a solution.
You’re Locked Out
Of course, one of the most common reasons to call a locksmith is because you are locked out of your home. When you are locked out of your building, it is useful to ensure that you work with a locksmith to gain access.
Your locks are an important part of the security of your property. Whenever there is a problem with your locks, it is often extremely beneficial to ensure that you work with a professional to have the problem thoroughly resolved. To learn more about how to tell when it is time to call a locksmith, or to learn more about the locksmith services we have available, contact us at A-1 Key & Security Solutions today!